Lauryn Hill

Testo Interlude 5 Lauryn Hill


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Interlude 5

Interlude 5 lyrics: Lauryn Hill MTV Unplugged 2.0

You all doin' alright? You ok? I'm not screamin at ya, I'm just askin you a question.
Y'all givin' me a clap.
A yes is fine (laughing) ok? (voice from audience “
I love that song�) Thank you.
Praise God.
I tell you, I know everybody's in the same mess.
I'm telling you.
We all are.
I know that, you know, and I'm just, you know, I'll be the first to tell you, you know, I'm a mess and God is dealing with me everyday.
And everyday I'm trying, you know, how I can be less of a mess.
Cuz you know, he showed me, Look Lauryn, you know, You're the problem, ok, I'm going to show you how you're causing the problem, and now I want you to be the solution.
And that's what all of these songs are about, just, problem, cause and solution.
Free your mind.
It's like, we all think that the gospel is join and church building, and that's deception, you know.
The real gospel is Repent, which means ‘let go of all that crap,' that's killin' ya.
Life was supposed to be a pleasurable experience, not this torment, you know.
And when I realized that I was tormenting myself, it was about my lust.
It wasn't about things that I needed it was just, you know, all these security blankets.
I mean, the more I acquired I became more of a prisoner.
I mean, you know, forty people on staff, and you can't do nothing, and now creativity is impossible because all you can think about is all these folks that you know, you're supporting and carryin' and you know, it's not good.
You know, everybody…a friend of mine says that every tub has to stand on it's own bottom, you know.
And in that respect, we all get to do what our passion is.
See that's what praisin God is all about, is doing your passion.
You know, it's not useless, worthless ritual, you know, monotonous ritual, where we just show up and can't wait to see the game, you know.
It's doing your passion and fulfilling your passion.
You know.
That's how we're thankful.
That's how we say we appreciate the opportunity to be alive.
And I'm just glad that I, you know, I don't have to slave anymore.
You know, cuz I, music was my love, and because of everything I thought had to accompany my music it became my burden.
It just got stolen from me.
I said, What is this? How did this thing that I love so much so easily and so quickly turn to something I loath and hate? And so now, you know, I understand that it was because I was measuring myself or trying to compare myself to a standard that wasn't reality.
It wasn't the standard at all, you know.
There's a scripture in the Bible that we, what does it say, it says ‘
We compare ourselves amongst ourselves' you know.
That's not the standard.
You already are the standard.
What are you trying to fit into a standard for? We were each created to be individual standards, you know.
And we're trying to fit into a standard? It doesn't make any sense, you know.
So now I'm just, you know, after all that, I'm just ready to be me.
And it's a lot to work through, you know, because all of us have hidden in these little boxes purposely, because of parts of ourselves that we were unhappy about.
And it's because we didn't understand, you know, because there's all this social doctrine that says, you know, that the infinite God, with all this expression, who created every single one of us, absolutely different, on purpose, wants everybody to fit into the same suit.
But like, you know, that's deception.
That's deception.
Talking to someone offstage) Ok, let me just, I think this is the wrong one (laughing) I don't think this is the right one.

We took…we were in, um, Florida this weekend and we took the kids to Disneyworld, and um, you know we were going, they gave us a tour.
They escorted us through the back.
And when they escorted us through the back, we got to see how, you know, there all these people workin all hard, and it was like, real dirty back there, and of course, in the front it was all immaculately clean.
And I said, I said, you know, People need to see the reality, they need to see, you know, how these people slave to maintain this illusion.
And it felt like my life.
I said, If people only knew what it was.
It's like, you know, a bunch of musicians, listen, bustin' their ‘mm' workin all hard to make it look easy.
What's the point? You know, Oh, uh, I just threw this together, uh…(audience laughs).
You know, it's like, you know what I'm sayin? I mean, you know.
Slaving to act like, you know, I wake up like this.
And none of us do, you know, none of us do.
None of us do.
And reality is good cuz that means everybody could just exhale, let your belly out, you know, and chill.
You know.
But people get mad at me when I say, Look, let's stop frontin'.
And I'm saying, you know, that's the blessing.
Now we can go around and look at each other and say, Oh, you got one too?! And be free.
And we want to defend the curse.
I'll tell ya, that was not fun.
Did it for a long time.
Too long.
(offstage) You didn't find ità It's another white one.
But you see…in my purse.
Or the, the other bag? Or the green one? Ghetto.
You know, it's reality, ok (laughing)?
Boy I'll tell ya, God made him for me.
I'm something to put up with.
And to endure that is amazing.
I'll be the first to tell you, trust me.
Y'all could clap cuz that's some real work (more clapping).
I was in there in the room, you know, before we came out here, and he said to me, I said, Ro should I change? And he said, Yeah.
So I looked at him, I said, Why did you tell me to change I was comfortable, man.
But I asked him the question.
So I went in the room and I tried on all these clothes and I was like, I feel like an idiot.
So I pulled out all these clothes and I'm sayin, ok Ro, you know, Pack the bag neatly, you know, Could you put the clothes back in? And he's like, Alright.
So he's trying to do this but then I'm like, No! Now take this out! Now put that back and take that out! Put that back, hold that, take, that, put, The orange shoe! The orange shoe! So I'm like.
And then after awhile I just said, Ro baby, could you leave? Please get out the room.
And I just put back on the clothes I came in.
Ok, I was like…
I'm just not there anymore.
Nah, I'm telling you.
It's like, uh (laughing).
Hey you know he's learned.
Because before we used to just beef and now he's like, Okay…I'm out.
It's real.
God gave us a brand new relationship, man, I mean, one in truth, you know.
It's like, we date people, like let's say, you know, we're interested in somebody and we put on the perfume and dress up and then we do things that we will never ever ever do again! You understand what I'm sayin? It's like…
And that's why so many marriages end up in divorce.
It's because people wake up next to a stranger.
They say, Who the hell are you? What are you doing in this bed? Where's that man that used to do ‘du, dua, and du.' And I'm sayin let's give them reality from the door because…you're going to attract love, and the one that really loves you.
And then you don't have to pretend and falcify, and you know, keep that posture.
You know, you know, I can't, I'm just like...
I'll never forget when I first met him I said to him, it was like, he saw me eating in front of him, and he told me, he was like, You eat like a man, you must not like me.
You know, because, women, usually they keep that posture.
And I said, Nah.
I said it's not even that, you know.
It's but, this is reality.
This is, you know, and that's it, man, I mean, I'm just telling you, it's so wonderful to finally find…
And trust me, it's a work in progress, it's not something that happens overnight.

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